For nearly two years now I’ve been asking Christians to read an article I wrote which explains why I believe the Bible teaches what I believe it does about heaven, hell, judgement, death, and salvation (which you can find here), and for nearly two years it’s been the exact same result: a small handful read it… Continue reading Nobody fears truth quite like a Christian does
Author: Drew Costen
How can you be “born again” if you weren’t even born a first time?
There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said… Continue reading How can you be “born again” if you weren’t even born a first time?
Questions you must answer
In order to convince us Mid-Acts Dispensationalists we’re wrong about our belief that there is more than one Gospel proclaimed in Scripture, one has to be able to first answer some questions. If one can’t answer these questions, they won’t be able to convince us that we’re wrong (it’s as simple as that). First, would… Continue reading Questions you must answer
The perfect father
After reading yesterday’s story, someone pointed out to me that it reminded him of a Hosea Ballou anecdote, and I have to agree with him, so I’m sharing it here: Ballou was riding the circuit again when he stopped for the night at a New England farmhouse. The farmer was upset. He confided to Ballou that… Continue reading The perfect father
Getting what’s deserved
[Setting: Church meeting room. Jeff has been asked by the church’s elders to come in to be quizzed on whether he’s qualified to be a new elder himself or not. The meeting is drawing to a close.] Elder Bob: And just to confirm one last time, you do believe that anyone who does not become… Continue reading Getting what’s deserved
The fourth option
When Infernalists or Annihilationists point out that Jesus didn’t teach Universalism while He walked the earth, they’re absolutely correct. However, He didn’t teach Infernalism or Annihilationism either. He actually taught something else altogether. Most people assume that Infernalism, Annihilationism, and Universalism are the only three options when it comes to the final possible outcome of… Continue reading The fourth option
Who sends people to hell?
The line seemed to have stopped moving for quite some time, now, and people were starting to talk amongst themselves. “Any idea why we’re not moving?” Dave asked Tom, the person in front of him. “Apparently the judgement had to stop because someone refused to go to hell,” Tom replied, pointing to the valley of… Continue reading Who sends people to hell?
Justice for evil
Christian: If Universalism is true, there is no justice for evil. I do not want that. Believer: Hypothetically speaking, if only one person got saved in the end, but he was a very evil man prior to believing the Gospel, would there be justice for evil? Christian: Yes, because his evil was dealt with by… Continue reading Justice for evil
Who won the greater victory?
For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, saying, “This man began to build, and was… Continue reading Who won the greater victory?
What does the Bible say that is?
Want a handy little trick for discussing theology with Christians? Ask them what the Bible says about the topic you’re discussing. Yesterday I was chatting with one of the street preachers here in Toronto, and he asked me what I disagreed with when it came to what they were teaching. I explained that one of… Continue reading What does the Bible say that is?