Me: I’d like to quote some passages the apostle Paul wrote that I’ve memorized. Would you be willing to listen to them and let me know if I’m remembering them correctly? Him (a street preacher): Sure. Go for it. Me: Okay, cool. Thanks. Well, first, “We trust in the living God, Who is the potential… Continue reading Did Paul mean the opposite of what he wrote?
Category: Uncategorized
How Christians walk after the flesh
To hear most Christians talk about it, you’d think that sins are something we should actively avoid committing. When the street preachers here in Toronto give their sermons, the focus is always on sin and how our sinful actions will send us to an afterlife realm called hell to suffer in without end if we… Continue reading How Christians walk after the flesh
The writings of John are not about Gentiles
One of the many mistakes I see the Toronto street preachers I’ve written about frequently make in their various sermons is just how often they preach from the book commonly known as “the Gospel according to John,” and how they assume the verses they read from that book apply to the people hearing the sound… Continue reading The writings of John are not about Gentiles
The hopelessness of Infernalism
“A man content to go to heaven alone will never go to heaven.” — Boethius Because most Christians have been taught by their religious leaders that Infernalism is scriptural (Infernalism being the soteriological doctrine that not everyone will experience salvation, but that some people will instead suffer forever in some manner in a place called… Continue reading The hopelessness of Infernalism
Neither Jew nor Gentile
[Please note that I’m including my scriptural references in the links, and that they also link to articles with extended exegesis that I couldn’t fit into this post, so please be sure to click all the supporting links in order to get the full picture, as well as all the Scripture references. Please also keep in mind, however, that… Continue reading Neither Jew nor Gentile
Is it another gospel or is it not another gospel?
[Please note that I’m including my scriptural references in the links, and that they also link to articles with extended exegesis that I couldn’t fit into this post, so please be sure to click all the supporting links in order to get the full picture, as well as all the Scripture references. Please also keep in mind, however, that… Continue reading Is it another gospel or is it not another gospel?
God won’t force everyone to go to heaven
When discussing the topic of Universal Reconciliation, some Christians like to argue that God wouldn’t force everyone to live with Him forever in heaven, because they think He wouldn’t do anything that would go against our supposed ”free will” (many also try to sanitize the idea of never-ending torment in hell or in the lake of… Continue reading God won’t force everyone to go to heaven
God is still on Plan A
In my last article, I mentioned that those of us in the true body of Christ tend to believe God is 100% in control of absolutely everything, and that the “absolutely everything” He’s in control of includes evil and the suffering it can result in (since evil and suffering are a part of “absolutely everything”). It’s… Continue reading God is still on Plan A
Unmerited suffering and God
“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” — Anne Bradstreet As one learns more about the theology of those of us in the true body of Christ, they’re often extremely surprised when they discover our theodicy,… Continue reading Unmerited suffering and God
If everybody will be saved, what’s the point…?
Pretty much anyone who has ever affirmed the truth that God really is the Saviour of all mankind to an Infernalist (someone who believes in the doctrine of everlasting torment) or to an Annihilationist (someone who believes that some people will cease to exist forever after the Great White Throne Judgement) has been asked a variation of… Continue reading If everybody will be saved, what’s the point…?