”That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” – Romans 10:9-10 Misunderstanding what Paul wrote in Romans 10:9-10… Continue reading Confessing and believing
Category: Uncategorized
Save yourself!
Did Jesus Christ save you, or did you save yourself? Most Christians will claim to believe that Jesus saved them, but when you look at the facts it becomes apparent that they actually believe God only helps those who help themselves, and that they believe they are, in fact, their own (at least partial) saviours,… Continue reading Save yourself!
What the Hinnom?
A lot of Christians are under the impression that a particular “hell” mentioned in the Bible is a reference to the lake of fire, specifically the “hell” that will be located in the valley of the son of Hinnom, and that some people will suffer consciously in that place without ever being able to escape… Continue reading What the Hinnom?
Don’t blame God — He tried His best
After all, is it God’s fault that He made 90% of humans too stupid or foolish or selfish or stubborn to choose to get saved? I’m sure He did everything He could think of to get as many people saved as He possibly could, but at the end of the day He made humans in… Continue reading Don’t blame God — He tried His best
Are you in a cult? Comparing the Christian religion vs the body of Christ to the BITE model
After first learning about the doctrines held to by those of us in the actual body of Christ, some Christians will accuse us of being in a cult, which is pretty ironic, for reasons that should become clear after reading this post. Now, to be fair, any group of people dedicated to a particular topic can,… Continue reading Are you in a cult? Comparing the Christian religion vs the body of Christ to the BITE model
What if you’re wrong?
Believers in Universal Reconciliation are often asked, “What if you’re wrong?” Well, if we are, all that’s happened is we’ve accused God of being more successful and more loving than He really is, but we’ve also still believed the Good News that Christ died for our sins, and that He was buried and rose again… Continue reading What if you’re wrong?
Why only Universalists can be saved
As I mentioned in my last article, few Christians understand what it is that the Gospel which Paul taught means, and because of that, it seems safe to say that very few Christians have been saved yet. (I’m referring to salvation from a relative perspective, I should say, meaning the salvation that brings one into membership… Continue reading Why only Universalists can be saved
The actual choice when it comes to believing the Gospel
When you bring up the fact that Scripture teaches the eventual salvation of all humanity, many Christians will attempt to object by saying that it can’t be true because it would violate our so-called “free will.” The thing is, whether or not “free will” exists, it just doesn’t matter when it comes to salvation, because the… Continue reading The actual choice when it comes to believing the Gospel
Modesty is the opposite of vanity, not of nudity
Most people, thanks to the bad influence of conservative Christians and other religious conservatives, believe that modesty means not revealing too much skin or the outline of one’s body, and that a modest girl or woman will not be too revealing when it comes to her body and clothing. The truth, however, is that a… Continue reading Modesty is the opposite of vanity, not of nudity
“Free will” hymns
If salvation was really a choice that God left up to us, we’d have to start rewriting a number of famous hymns, perhaps starting with these two: Amazing Grace Amazing grace! How sweet the soundThat gave the choice to me!Though once lost, chose to be found,Was blind, but chose to see. How Hard You Tried… Continue reading “Free will” hymns