Parallelisms of different sorts are used all throughout Scripture, but nobody used them better than the apostle Paul when he used them to explain what it is his Gospel really means (meaning, what the outcome of the Good News he proclaimed is). The First Man: Adam = Condemnation [mortality and sinfulness] The Second Man: Christ = Salvation… Continue reading How Paul used parallelisms to teach the salvation of all
Category: Uncategorized
There’s only one way we can be saved, right?
“There’s only one way to heaven,” the street preacher proclaimed adamantly. “If you don’t accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you can’t be saved! Repent and believe the Gospel before it’s too late, or else you’ll end up in hell for all eternity!” ”Are you absolutely certain about that?” I asked. “If I… Continue reading There’s only one way we can be saved, right?
Why I am a heretical Universalist
Before I explain why I’m now a heretical Universalist, It’s important to know that I grew up as a conservative, evangelical, “born-again” Christian, and that I believed quite strongly in all of the traditional, “orthodox” ideas that nearly every evangelical Christian out there assumes is taught in Scripture. This means that I believed in the… Continue reading Why I am a heretical Universalist
Congratulations on your salvation!
You did it! You made the right choice! The smart choice! The wise choice! The humble choice! The choice that ensured your salvation! So congratulations on your salvation! Now you get to go to heaven, unlike the majority of people out there, who are going to suffer in fire for eternity instead because they haven’t… Continue reading Congratulations on your salvation!
Everything necessary to be saved
“He’s already done everything necessary for you and me to be saved,” I heard a street preacher say once again today. You’d think I’d be used to it by now, but it never ceases to be weird to hear “evangelists” say things they don’t believe. And it’s even weirder to know that they don’t realize… Continue reading Everything necessary to be saved
Are you preaching religion or are you proclaiming the Gospel?
“We’re not preaching religion,” the street preacher said. “Religion makes you self-righteous.” He was correct that religion can make you very self-righteous. When someone believes they’ve been saved because of their religion or because of some religious act or acts they’ve performed, it means they believe it was something inherent within themselves that was responsible… Continue reading Are you preaching religion or are you proclaiming the Gospel?
Simple proof that there is more than one Gospel in the Bible
Most Christians believe that there is only one “Gospel message” in the Bible (the word “Gospel” literally just means “a proclamation of Good News,” or ”news which is good”), and that the Gospel which Paul taught to the nations is the same one Jesus and His disciples were preaching throughout His three-year ministry on the… Continue reading Simple proof that there is more than one Gospel in the Bible
Why did the devil create the Christian religion?
The Christian religion was created to drive people away from God and the truth. The devil uses it to trick people into not understanding that Christ actually died and that He was buried, as Paul’s Gospel states He did and was, as well to fool people into believing they have to choose to do something in order… Continue reading Why did the devil create the Christian religion?
Jesus won’t fit inside your heart
I was watching the usual suspects (aka the Toronto street preachers I’ve now written about numerous times before) again yesterday, and one of them made a statement I was surprised to hear even one of them make. He suggested that his listening audience should “ask Jesus into their hearts” in order to be saved. This unscriptural suggestion… Continue reading Jesus won’t fit inside your heart
What Christians don’t understand about unbelievers
There are three main factors that keep the majority of people (including Christians) from understanding what Scripture is actually talking about in most passages. I’m not going to get into all the details here, since I’ve done so in various other places on this site, but as a refresher, these three factors are: 1) Not… Continue reading What Christians don’t understand about unbelievers