Having to choose to have faith is salvation by works

Most Christians believe that they can choose to believe the Gospel on their own, and in fact believe that one’s choice determines where they will spend eternity. The problem is, this idea is essentially salvation by works or salvation by self, and is really nothing more than humanism dressed up in religious garb. Yes, the… Continue reading Having to choose to have faith is salvation by works

Not everyone will be saved, and yet everyone will be saved

I watched a debate between a Christian and a member of the body of Christ the other night, over whether Universal Reconciliation was scriptural or not. There’s a lot that I could discuss about it, but one thing stood out in particular. The “against” debater pointed out that Jesus stated some people would not be… Continue reading Not everyone will be saved, and yet everyone will be saved

Is God a gentleman?

“But God won’t force people to go to heaven to live with Him against their will,” he said when he found out I believed in Universal Reconciliation. “Forcing someone to do something against their will is called rape, and God wouldn’t do that.” “I should probably point out that I’m not saying He’ll let them… Continue reading Is God a gentleman?

Jesus only returns once

Trying to refute the idea of the Rapture, I recently had someone tell me that Jesus only returns once, saying, “There’s nothing in the Bible that indicates Jesus will return from heaven to the earth twice.” And you know what? He’s absolutely right. Jesus only returns to the earth once. Yet, even with that statement… Continue reading Jesus only returns once

Good News

Paul taught that Christ died for our sins, that He was buried (He was buried — not just His body, while He went elsewhere — which means He actually died, ceasing to exist as a conscious being), and that He rose again the third day (meaning He was resurrected from the dead in a physical body).… Continue reading Good News

Heaven isn’t what you think it is

What is heaven like? And where is it, anyway? Nearly everyone who believes in God has asked these questions at some point in their lives. The answers they’re normally given, unfortunately, are generally vague guesses or assumptions, or simply statements saying “we can’t know for sure.” The truth, however, is that Scripture actually answers these… Continue reading Heaven isn’t what you think it is

Salvation by superiority

I’ve written about some of the street preachers of downtown Toronto before (see here and here), but I came across some of them again yesterday while on a walk, and once again the duplicity of the words they preached jumped out at me (although I believe they almost certainly had no idea how deceptive what they were saying… Continue reading Salvation by superiority

Reading the Bible out of order

There’s an important principle of Bible study that has been ignored by nearly all Christians, and because of this, Christianity is full of unscriptural doctrines. You see, God defined what was considered to be sinful for Israelites in the Mosaic law, and basically told them everything they needed to know about life, death, and judgement… Continue reading Reading the Bible out of order

He was buried

We all know the Gospel that Paul preached by now: That Christ died for our sins, that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day. Most Christians believe they believe this, of course, but the truth is that very few actually do. I’ve gotten into other reasons why in other posts, so I’m not… Continue reading He was buried